HGV – Heavy Commercial Vehicle Testing
The HGV test is for commercial vehicles < 3,500 kg GVW. and goods trailers over 3,500 kg GVW, also buses with more than eight passenger seats & ambulances.
These vehicles and tests are commonly called the following, Heavy Goods Vehicle ( HGC Test), Heavy Commerical Vehicle ( HCV tests) or also known as Large Goods Vehicle or LGV are the terms for any vehicle that has a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of over 3.5 tonnes).
HGV categories are determined by the weight and size of the lorry.
The HGV test, i.e. for the Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Test (CVRT) is a roadworthiness test for all commercial vehicles, buses with more than eight passenger seats and ambulances, all over one year old. The CVRT confirms that a vehicle satisfies basic safety standards on the day the test is carried out. It tests what is accessible and visible. It does not confer a warranty as regards the condition of the vehicle.
THE HGV test, Commercial Vehicle Testing is one component of the preventative measures we need to have safer vehicles on our roads. In order to ensure that vehicles are kept in good and safe condition through their life, it is essential that they are regularly maintained and serviced. Commercial Vehicle Operators now have explicit obligations to have maintenance systems in place.
The HGV test, for the Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Test (CVRT), is the roadworthiness test for:
o All commercial vehicles
o Buses with more than eight passenger seats
o Ambulances,
How long does a CVRT test take?
Tests take between 30 and 60 minutes. Only components that are visible and accessible are assessed when a vehicle is undergoing the CVRT.
So What is a DOE TEST?
The DOE test (Department of Environment) is a structured test where the testers follow a set routine and use specific equipment to test the road-worthiness of a vehicle. ... Although many people still refer to this test as DOE, it has been recently renamed to CVRT (Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Test)