At Specto, we provide truck & trailer alignments to customers all across Ireland. Our skilled technicians are trained specifically to work with medium and heavy trucks and trailers.
The amount of milage you truck sees will contribute to wear & tear. A routine service like a truck alignment performed, will help your truck performance. Truck alignments are part of basic truck maintenance and need to be performed regularly.
We can accommodate carrying out wheel alignment on both truck and trailers together. If you have a trailer with steering axles & you prefer to get both the truck and trailer done all at once, then we can help. We offer wheel alignment on trucks that have 5 axles also.
Commercial 3 axle alignments:
Wheel alignments ensure that each wheel on your truck’s axles is straight to reduce rolling resistance. If your wheels are misaligned, then you can encounter the following issues;
o Excessive tyre wear.
o Increased fuel consumption.
o Unsafe vehicle handling.
o Driver fatigue.
o Premature wear on suspension components.
A Guide to Alignment Angles:
Common signs of misalignment can be seen in tyre wear & tear due to improper toe and tandem axle settings.
Tandem scrub angle:
The angle formed by the two thrust lines of the tandem axle truck.
The steer axle must be turned to offset the push of the axles and keep the tyres rolling straight. Misalignment causes the tandem axles to work against each other, which inevitably leads to tyre wear.
On tractor trailers, if the trailer does not track straight, the truck will experience increased rolling and wind resistance—symptoms that contribute to poor handling and fuel economy.
Individual toe:
The angle formed by a line through one wheel referenced to the thrust line. (Thrust line is the bisector of the total toe angle of an axle & represents the deviation of the rear axle from the centreline of the truck. Thrust angle is the angle between the centreline and the thrust line of an axle & represents the degree of distance the axle points away from the centreline of the truck.) Toe-in is when the horizontal lines intersect in front of the wheel. Toe-out is when the lines intersect behind the wheel. Toe-in will wear the outside of the tyre while toe-out will wear the inside of the tyre.
Toe—measured in millimetres, or degrees—a critical alignment setting for steer axle.
Total toe - The angle formed by two horizontal lines drawn through the centreline of two corresponding wheels. Toe-in is the horizontal lines cross at the head of the truck. Toe-out is the lines intersect in the rear of the truck.
truck alignment:
If you experience any of the problems outlined above, you should consider a truck alignment. Our alignment procedure will ensure total alignment and that all axles are parallel.
We mount electronic sensors on the steer axle & tandem axles.
Rear axle measured to determine thrust angle & aligned to centreline.
Steer axle is aligned to rear axle or reference axle.
We move sensors from front axle to second rear axle, which is them aligned to the steer axle, or reference axle.
When you notice your truck pulling to the left or right or vibrations, it is a clear sign you need to have your wheels alignment. Don’t forget this important service. Visit the truck alignment experts today!